Biljke iz Afrike |
Odgovori | Stranica 123> |
Korisnik | |
Neukroćena biljka Pridružen: 28 Ožujak 2007 Lokacija: Novi Sad Status: Offline Bodovi: 4264 |
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Objavljeno: 15 Listopad 2009 u 10:57 |
Clerodendrum ugandense, Clerodendrum splendens, C. thomsoniae
život je bajka koju sami pišemo...
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Cvjetni guru Pridružen: 08 Siječanj 2009 Status: Offline Bodovi: 9297 |
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Ma svaka vam čast pa nisam ni znala za neke biljke odakle koja potiječe. Ma ovo je super- Stvarno vrijedi sijesti i ovo sve dobro proučiti
** Svaki miris novog cvijeta uljepša mi dan.**
Neukroćena biljka Pridružen: 28 Ožujak 2007 Lokacija: Novi Sad Status: Offline Bodovi: 4264 |
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Haemanthus albiflos i Haemanthus multiflorus (rod Haemanthus ima oko 50 vrsta biljaka poreklom iz Južne i tropske Afrike).
život je bajka koju sami pišemo...
Trajnica Pridružen: 16 Kolovoz 2008 Lokacija: . Status: Offline Bodovi: 2454 |
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Danas sam kupila Ficus Lyrata....o njemu sam nasla zanimljive podatke na jednom talijanskom situ....a budem ubacila i sliku ovdje ...!!
Ako Se Desi Da Jednog Dana
Nestanu Sva Stabla Covjeku Ce Preostati Samo Njegovo Genealosko Stablo Da Nad Njim Place.. |
Neukroćena biljka Pridružen: 28 Ožujak 2007 Lokacija: Novi Sad Status: Offline Bodovi: 4264 |
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Nerine je rod lukovica sa oko 30 vrsta poreklom iz južne afrike.
život je bajka koju sami pišemo...
Novo sjeme Pridružen: 30 Rujan 2008 Lokacija: Bosnia Hercegovina Status: Offline Bodovi: 22 |
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afričke ljubičice
bijele,roza,ljubičaste ,boja ciklame
kažu da znače- uvijek ću se vraćati
Mladi grm Pridružen: 14 Ožujak 2008 Status: Offline Bodovi: 745 |
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Afrika?--Adenium obesum-istočna afrika i arapski poluotak
Ficus Lyrata-zapadna afrika(Cameroon) Sansevieria-zapadna afrika Rhodohypoxis-južna afrika i dr |
izbalansiranu dijetu čini po jedan kolač u svakoj ruci!
Neukroćena biljka Pridružen: 28 Ožujak 2007 Lokacija: Novi Sad Status: Offline Bodovi: 4264 |
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Amarilis belladona je baštenska biljka poreklom iz Južne Afrike.
život je bajka koju sami pišemo...
Mladi grm Pridružen: 25 Travanj 2008 Lokacija: Yugoslavia Status: Offline Bodovi: 601 |
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Cordyline fruticosa - ti plant, Hawaiian ti, cordyline, good luck plant
Cordyline fruticosa probably was native originally to SE Asia and Papua New Guinea, but was carried throughout much of the Pacific by early Polynesians who used the starchy rhizomes for food. Today ti occurs in eastern Australia and on many of the larger islands in the tropical Pacific, including the Hawaiian Islands. Musa x paradisiaca - banana
Bananas are an important crop in tropical climates throughout the world.
Carissa macrocarpa
Common Names: Natal plum
Natal plum is native to the Northern South African province of KwaZulu/Natal.
Iris pseudacorus
Common Names: yellow flag, water flag, yellow iris
Yellow flag occurs naturally in Europe, eastward to Siberia and south to northern Africa.
Nerium oleander - oleander
Nerium oleander is native to northern Africa, the eastern Mediterranean basin and southeast Asia. Oleander prefers dry, warm climates and may naturalize in such areas.
Euphorbia milii
Common Names: crown of thorns, Christ plant, Christ thorns
Euphorbia milii is native to the island nation of Madagascar.
Gerbera Jamesonii
Common Names: Gerber daisy, Transvaal daisy, Barberton daisy, African daisy.
The gerber daisy is native to the Transvaal region of South Africa.
Gloriosa superba
Common Names: glory lily, gloriosa lily, tiger claw
Native to tropical jungles of Africa. Related species are found in Asia.
Hedera canariensis - alžirski brsljan
Common Names: Algerian ivy
Hedera canariensis is native to the Canary Islands, Portugal, the Azores, and North Africa. It is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical climates.
Impatiens wallerana - impatiens
Common Names: impatiens, touch-me-not, jewel weed, sultana
Impatiens walleriana is native to the tropical forests of East African.
Jasminum nitidum
Common Names: star jasmine, angelwing jasmine, confederate jasmine, eindmill jasmine
Jasminum nitidum, the angelwing jasmine is native to Papua New Guinea's Admiralty Islands in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Lantana camara - verbena
Common Names: lantana, shrub verbena
Lantana camara is a native to tropical regions and exists as dozens of strains and varieties that are highly variable in appearance.
Leonotus leonurus - lavovo uho
Common Names: lion's ear, wild dagga, lion's tail
Lion's ear is native to South Africa, where it grows in grassy areas, scrublands, and along road sides. It was one of the first South African flowers to be brought back to Europe for cultivation, and is known to have been grown in Holland in the 1600's.
Vinca major
All the periwinkles come from Europe, central Asia and northern Africa.
Vinca minor
Five or six other species of Vinca can be found from northern Africa to central Asia.
ZAČINI: Salvia officinalis
Garden sage originates from the Mediterranean region of north Africa, Spain and the Balkans.
Zingiber officinale - Djumbir
The common cooking ginger originated in tropical Asia, but is now grown as a commercial crop for the ginger root in Latin America and Africa as well as South East Asia. Fifty percent of worldwide ginger production is in India. The best quality ginger comes from Jamaica.
Origanum majorana - majoran (sweet marjoram, knotted marjoram, wurstkraut) Sweet marjoram is native to North Africa, Turkey and SW Asia. It has naturalized in the Mediterranean region of southern Europe.
Ocimum basilicum - bosiljak, obicni bosiljak, slatki bosiljak
Sweet basil is native to tropical Asia. It is cultivated commercially in southern Europe, Egypt, Morocco, Indonesia, and California. There are several other species of Ocimum in cultivation: O. gratissimum (tree basil or East Indian basil) is a shrubby perennial to 6 ft (1.8 m) tall, with a strong clove fragrance from India and west Africa . O. tenuiflorum (holy basil or tulsi), is an ornamental with pink flowers and grayish, fuzzy leaves from India and Malaysia; it is sacred to Hindus and used in religious ceremonies. O. americanum (from Africa and Asia, not America!) has a strong lemony fragrance.
Melissa officinalis
Common Names: lemon balm, balm
Lemon balm occurs naturally in southern Europe and northern Africa where is grows in waste places, roadsides and disturbed lands from sea level into the mountains.
Jos neke:
Gladiolus spp. - gladiola
Sutra ce biti nastavak.
Mladi grm Pridružen: 25 Travanj 2008 Lokacija: Yugoslavia Status: Offline Bodovi: 601 |
Opcije poruke
Evo da i ja potmognem ovu temu:
Hyacinthus orientalis - zumbul
The hyacinth hails originally from the Mediterranean region, from North Africa, through Greece, to Asia Minor and Syria. The wild ones grow on rocky hillsides from near sea level to over 8000 ft (2438 m) elevation.
Narcissus spp. - narcis
Common Names: daffodil, narcissus, jonquil, Lent lily, Easter flower, butter-cup
Daffodils originated in Portugal, Spain, the southern coast of France and the northern coast of Morocco. Pentas lanceolata - pentas, zvezdani cvet (star flower, star cluster)
Africa seems to be the original home of pentas.
Pelargonium x hortorum - vrtni geranijum-muskatla, muskatla zonale
Common Names: garden geranium, zonal geranium
Our garden geraniums are hybrids derived from several species including Perlargonium inquinans and P. zonale, these are native to South Africa.
Agapanthus spp. - africki ljiljan, ljiiljan sa Nila, africki plavi ljiljan
All species of the genus Agapanthus, including A. africanus, A. praecox, A. campanulatus, are native to southern Africa.
Asplenium nidus - paprat asplenijum Asplenium nidus occurs in tropical regions throughout the Old World.
Nephrolepis exaltata - paprat nefrolepis
Common Names: sword fern, Boston fern, wild Boston fern
Boston fern is a common native fern in humid forests and swamps in Florida, and occurs also as a native in South America, Mexico and Central America, the West Indies, Polynesia and Africa - a testament to the ability of wind to disperse tiny spores!
Aristea ecklonii - plava zvezda, plavooki iris
Common Names: blue flies, blue stars, blue eyed iris, blue corn-lily
Aristea ecklonii is native to central and southern Africa.
Aloe vera - medicinal aloe, burn plant, Barbados aloe, unguentine cactus
Medicinal aloe is believed to have originated in northern Africa, the Canary Islands and the Cape Verde Islands.
Aloe saponaria - soap aloe, African aloe
Soap aloe is native to arid regions in eastern South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe.
Cyperus papyrus - ciperus
Common Names: papyrus, Egyptian papyrus, bulrushes (biblical)
Papyrus is native to the lakes and rivers of northern Africa, in particular, the countries of Egypt and Sudan.
Crocus spp. - krokus
Crocuses grow wild in North Africa, the Middle East, Europe and temperate Asia.
Chlorophytum comosum - hlorofitum, klorofitum
Common Names: spider plant, spider ivy, ribbon plant, hen-and-chickens
Chlorophytum comosum, the spider plant, comes originally from South Africa.
Celosia spp. - amarant
Common Names: cockscomb, feathered amaranth, woolflower, red fox, celosia , prince
Celosia argentea occurs widely as a weed in the equatorial tropics of Africa, Asia and South America. It may have originated in Asia and then spread to Africa and South America with the help of people.
Mladi grm Pridružen: 11 Listopad 2007 Status: Offline Bodovi: 561 |
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Mnoge biljke koje prepoznajem sa Gekove liste mogu se uzgajati kao loncanice, cak je to neophodno u kontinentalnim klimatskim uslovima.
Strelicija je jako lepa. Mozes pokusati i uzgojiti je iz semena, samo ces u tom slucaju do cvatnje cekati i pet godina, ali i list joj je jako dekorativan. Ima jako lepo seme. Crno, okruglo, velicine graska sa izrazito narandzastim cuperkom. |
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Mladi grm Pridružen: 11 Listopad 2007 Status: Offline Bodovi: 546 |
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Halo, kolega... Šta se odmah vrijeđaš, pa nisam ništa loše mislio. Znam da ima puno biljaka koje mogu velike narasti, a koje imamo u kući. Sve je OK... Moja isprika ako sam te uvrijedio. Sorry!
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Upravo klijam Pridružen: 22 Prosinac 2007 Status: Offline Bodovi: 118 |
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Oprosti.. Ja sam samo napisao neke nepoznate vrste ak nekog zanima koje su podrijetlom iz Afrike. Nisam napisao biljke koje bi ti mogao uzgajat kao lončanicu. A to tko ima Baobab?... Mnogi ljudi s foruma imaju doma biljke kao npr. kokos, mango, datulje i dr. drveća kao lončanice a koja mogu narast i do 30m. Jedna od učestalih sobnih biljaka koja može narast jako veliko i do 20m je gumijevac ili Indijski fikus. Oprosti što sam napisao te biljke, neću više nikad.
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Mladi grm Pridružen: 11 Listopad 2007 Status: Offline Bodovi: 546 |
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Geko, ja sam mislio na sobne biljke porijeklom iz Afrike, ali koliko vidim po nekim nazivima, nabrojao si široku paletu.
Mislim, tko ima baobab u kući? Hvala, svejedno... |
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Upravo klijam Pridružen: 22 Prosinac 2007 Status: Offline Bodovi: 118 |
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biljke iz Afrike: Elaeis guineensis-uljana palma(zap.Afrika)
Aloe vrste su podrijetlom iz Afrike.
Kigelia africana-drvo jetrenica (juž.Afrika)
Spathodea campanulata-afrički tulipan (tropska Afrika)
Acacia karroo-slatki trn
Adansonia digitata-baobab drvo (savane južne Afrike)
Monodora myristica-kalebasin muškatni oraščić (tropska Afrika) Senna didymobotra-kikirikijeva kasija (ist.Afrika)
Mussaenda erythrophylla-crvenolisna musenda (zap.afrika)
Hibiscus schizopetalus-koraljna sljezolika (ist.afrika)
Adenium obesum-pustinjska ruža
Thunbergia alata-crnooka Suzana (tropska Afrika)
Strelitzia reginae-strelicija ili rajska ptica (juž.Afrika)
Cyperus papyrus-papirus
Neke nepoznate vrste ak nekome koriste koje su podrijetlom iz Afrike.
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Mladi grm Pridružen: 11 Listopad 2007 Status: Offline Bodovi: 546 |
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Zantedeschia aethiopica ili Calla aethiopica (Kala ili Etiopski zmijanac) biljka je iz močvarnih mlaka Afrike.
Slika preuzeta sa linka! |
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Mladi grm Pridružen: 11 Listopad 2007 Status: Offline Bodovi: 546 |
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Mladi grm Pridružen: 11 Listopad 2007 Status: Offline Bodovi: 546 |
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Dracena sanderiana
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Mladi grm Pridružen: 11 Listopad 2007 Status: Offline Bodovi: 546 |
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Dracena marginata
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Mladi grm Pridružen: 11 Listopad 2007 Status: Offline Bodovi: 546 |
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I ja sam sinoć i danas malo listao svoju vrlo skromnu literaturu, pa sam tako naletio da je Chlorophytum comosum porijeklom iz južne Afrike.
Na slici dolje je tzv. 'Variegetum'. Imam sa čisto zelenim listovima, imam ovakva dva kao na slici, nedostaje mi samo onaj što ima bijelo kroz sredinu listova... Ako netko ima pelcer od takvog što ima sredinu listova bijelu, neka mi se javi... |
Odgovori | Stranica 123> |
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